Psalm 77
English translation got from website:
- For the conductor on jeduthun, a song of Asaph.
- My voice is to God, and I shall cry out; my voice is to God, and hearken to me.
- On the day of my distress, I sought the Lord; my wound oozes at night and does not abate; my soul refuses to be comforted.
- I remember God and I stir; I speak and my spirit becomes faint, forever.
- You held fast the awakenings of my eyes; I throb and I do not speak.
- I think of days of yore, ancient years.
- I recall my music at night; I speak with my heart and my spirit searches.
- « Will the Lord forsake [me] forever and nevermore be appeased?
- Has His kindness ended forever? Has He issued a decree for all generations?
- Has God forgotten to be gracious? Has He, in anger, shut off His mercy forever? »
- And I said, « This is to terrify me, the change of the right hand of the Most High. »
- I recall the deeds of Yah when I remember Your wonder from time immemorial.
- And I meditate over all Your works, and I speak of Your deeds.
- O God, Your way is in sanctity. Who is a power as great as God?
- You are the God Who works wonders; You made known Your might among the peoples.
- You redeemed Your people with Your arm, the sons of Jacob and Joseph forever.
- The waters perceived You, O God, the waters perceived You, they trembled, even the deeps quaked.
- They poured forth thick waters; the skies let out a voice, even your arrows went abroad.
- The sound of Your thunder is like a wheel; the lightning illuminated the world; the earth shook and quaked.
- In the sea was Your way, and Your path in the mighty waters, and Your steps were not known.
- You led Your people like sheep by the hand of Moses and Aaron.