Pour connaître les événements historiques que la fête de Hanuccah commémore, il faut se référer aux deux livres des Maccabées (premier et deuxième). Vous ne trouverez pas ces livres dans le canon de la bible hébraïque. En effet les originaux hébreux de ces livres écrits vers l’an 100 avant JC ont disparus et ne restent […]

To know everything about the historical, cultural or societal events that have affected the journey of Jews and Judaism for 3,000 years, visit my website ( https://www.147thgeneration.com/ ). I describe the 147 generations of 20 years who have succeeded since 930 BC until today (until 2030) based on a very large number of religious or historical […]

Good fasting of Yom Kippur for everyone. The liturgy of Yom Kippur as the liturgy of each Jewish holiday as well as daily prayers include many psalms of David. The Christian liturgy also includes these same psalms. The Qur’an considers the psalms of David as sacred. But behind the psalms, David has in fact described […]

The year 5779 of the Israelite calendar has just begun, on this occasion, I wish a Shana Tovah to all, Jews and non-Jews. In 2 months, we will commemorate the 80th anniversary of the « Crystal Night » (contestable name). On the night of November 10, 1938, [i], throughout the territory of the German Reich, nearly two […]
This site was first built in French (see www.147thgeneration.net). The English translation was mainly obtained using « google translation ». The result of this translation has been corrected to avoid misinterpretation. However it can remain, do not hesitate to communicate them to us for correction. Trump, which Europe continues to regard as a « complete idiot », has just […]

To know everything about historical, cultural or societal events that have affected the long history of Jews and Judaism for 3,000 years, visit my website. I describe the 147 generations of 20 years who have succeeded since 930 BC until today (in fact until 2030) based on a very large number of religious or historical […]