17 septembre 2018

Kippur 5779

Good fasting of Yom Kippur for everyone.

The liturgy of Yom Kippur as the liturgy of each Jewish holiday as well as daily prayers include many psalms of David.
The Christian liturgy also includes these same psalms. The Qur’an considers the psalms of David as sacred.
But behind the psalms, David has in fact described the story of the Jewish people from the time of Solomon’s death to the present day (and a little later …).
Three millennia of the adventure of the Jewish people in all spheres including spiritual were thus described more than three thousand years ago before this story began. Each psalm sums up a generation of twenty years, Psalm 1 the first generation after the death of Solomon, Psalm 2, the second generation and so on until the present generation (2010-2030), the 147th generation told in advance in Psalm 147.
The comparison of these psalms with the generation with which the psalm is associated is done on my website (www.147thgeneration.com).
(on the following, the underlined text is a dynamic link with the corresponding page of the site accessible by « click »)

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