Shana Tova 5779, 5779 year of danger for Europe
On the night of November 10, 1938, [i], throughout the territory of the German Reich, nearly two hundred synagogues and places of worship were destroyed, 7,500 businesses and businesses operated by Jews ransacked; a hundred Jews were murdered. Hundreds more committed suicide or died as a result of their wounds and nearly 30,000 were deported to concentration camps. In total, the pogrom and deportations that followed killed 2,000 to 2,500 people. The culmination of the wave of anti-Semitism that swept through Germany as soon as the Nazis came to power in January 1933, the « Crystal Night » was part of the beginnings of the Holocaust.
Indeed, that day, Hitler could test if the Europeans would follow him in his will to solve the « Jewish question » in Europe. It is clear that the international response has been almost non-existent. Hitler knew then that he would have his hands free when the time came to attack the elimination of the Jews. Throughout the second world war, the complicity of the nations in the Holocaust will not be denied, between real complicities and passivity of facade.
As I explain on my website, God’s response to the attacks on his people, the Jewish people, take place 80 years after the fact. One condition is that the fathers ‘faults must be repeated until the fourth generation, since children can not be punished directly for the fathers’ fault. But they are guilty if they reproduce these faults ( » (I/God) am [ii] a zealous God, Who visits the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons, upon the third and the fourth generation of those who hate Me « ).
[ii] Shemot – Exodus – Chapter 20, verse 5